Faith By Love
Family Worship Church
Our mission at Faith By Love Family Worship Church is to raise up a people of excellence equipped to defeat the strongholds of ignorance, religion, racism, poor self-esteem and poverty.
- We will accomplish this through the systematic preaching, teaching, and ministering of the Word of God.
- We will develop a systematic process to help people discover their PURPOSE.
- We will raise up effective ministry to eliminate brokenness from the lives of the people and bring them into WHOLENESS in every area.
- We will create an environment that will cause the people to strive to reach their POTENTIAL.
- We will raise up people who walk by FAITH and not by sight.
- We will create an atmosphere of contagious LOVE that will permeate the church, community, and the city.
- We will teach biblical principles that will strengthen the FAMILY on every level.
- We will teach the people how to WORSHIP God in spirit and truth.
- We will empower the CHURCH through spiritual and numerical growth.
- We will be a house of PRAYER by raising up teams of prayer warriors and intercessors.
- We will create an atmosphere of PRAISE so that God may dwell in the midst of His people.
- We will train believers to move in the PROPHETIC by cultivating a relationship with the Holy Spirit.
- We will stimulate continuous spiritual growth in the people through the consistent PRECEPT TEACHING of the Word of God.
- We will raise up a people that will be blessed and a blessing in their families, communities, and the world. Through them the lost will be saved, the hurting healed and the broken restored.